Meet Our Team
An emcee represents the image of their clients, so professionalism is a must.
As a well trained emcee with excellent hosting services, we are able to deliver/ set the right atmosphere, leading the rhythm of the event and as well as deepening the connotation of the event. Thereby, creating sparks astonishingly and leaving your guests unforgettable memories.
Amber Wong
* Eloquent, Decent, and Adaptable
* 沉稳得体,侃侃而谈
* Top 12 of Lazada One Stream To Fame Season 2 Contest
* Highest Recognition of Toastmasters International &
Multiple Award Winner
Ada Choo
* Vivacious, Dynamic, and Enthusiastic
* 活泼开朗,热情洋溢
* Former Astro Radio (优内容) DJ
* Former Astro Radio (Myfm, Melody, GoXuan) News Anchor
Charlotte Lye
* Elegant, Articulate, and Adaptable
* 温婉灵活,口齿伶俐
* Eight FM News Anchor & Weekend DJ
Evyn Wong
* Warm-Hearted, Energetic, and Charming
* 亲切友善,甜美可人
* Former Astro 小太阳 TV Host